Feeling good, happiness and having a state of well-being is highly desired by many and when obtained it is often not sustained or not felt at all. It’s a choice folks, it’s definitely a choice…

When I first heard that concept, I was like “How can I choose to be happy while this and that is happening”, I thought that was a bit out there and impossible! Here’s another thing that was very difficult for me to wrap my head around, “I’m responsible for my own happiness.” WHAT??!! That’s crazy, how can I be responsible for my own happiness while all of these things are happening “to me” preventing me from being happy!! 

Well, it turns out if I waited for the storms to pass, for ease to ensue in order to feel happiness, I would be waiting a while for that to occur. It’s like putting the onus on the external condition to change in order for me to be at a desired place. That too, would take a while and I don’t think that anything outside of myself should dictate my happiness. 

That’s why it’s good to try focusing on thoughts that are wanted rather than unwanted. With a little bit of practice turning your attention to what feels good rather than staying in a place of dis-ease, you will find that things become lighter and easier as time goes along.

A good laugh, good conversation, great music, going to places that feel good (mentally and physically), all lift your energy and shift you into a state of ease, satisfaction and happiness.

Find out why it feels good, and once that is clear, it will be easier for you to adapt. Details will reveal themselves, things will start to shift, and over time the details of your life will cause you to feel good and motivate you to remain in that space. Give it a try.

Happy Being~